Monday, 26th of May 2008 Print


 Until quite recently, the African region of WHO has been committed to  measles mortality reduction through measles control. In a meeting just  concluded, it Technical Advisory Group has called for a pre-elimination  goal. The full report, available in .pdf form from this writer, is also
 soon to appear on the WHO/AFRO webpage.
 Here are the TAG recommendations on pre-elimination. The last could be the  first. No elimination initiative can go forward without a realistic price  tag.
 Good reading.
 14. TAG strongly recommends the adoption of a “pre-elimination  regional goal” to be achieved by end-2012. This goal should  consist of the following targets:
 98% mortality reduction by 2012 as compared to estimates for  2000;
 Measles incidence <5 cases/106 population/year at national level  in all countries;
 90% routine MCV1 coverage at national level, and 80% in all  districts;
 95% SIAs coverage in all districts;
 Measles surveillance performance:
 Non-measles febrile rash illness rate of 2.0 cases per  100,000 population per year;
 ≥1 suspected measles case investigated with blood specimens  in at least 80% of districts per year; and
 Routine district reporting from 100% of districts.
 15. TAG also recommends that the experience with measles elimination  in 7 Southern African countries during the late 1990s and early  2000s should be fully documented in order to understand the  reasons for the resurgence of measles in subsequent years.
 16. In accordance with progress towards the “pre-elimination”  targets, TAG recommends that WHO and partner agencies should  advocate with member states for the establishment of an eventual  elimination goal.
 17. WHO/AFRO should reconvene another African Regional Measles TAG  meeting in 2010, to review progress towards the “pre-elimination”
 18. TAG recommends that WHO and partner agencies should conduct a  comprehensive costing of a regional elimination goal, and present
 the results the next TAG meeting.

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